
Magic and Mundane

note from Ladakh

Note to Self
halahala is
a dark allusion to self
—gotta love Sanskrit
so unwind unbind
your halahala head tricks
—look at mojo go!

It's early February and the temperature is in the 60's. A lone morning birdsong has been heard; a bear has been spotted. Primordial possum encounters house cat. Warm sun comforts and thrills. All is gorgeously divine. And some of us are soaring toward the light.

we have wax wings
and ice is melting

It's early February and temperature is in the 60's. Slightly creepy. No bear no daffodil no fly should reveal her face this early. Mating birdsongs and peeper's peeps should be saving their chants for future dates.

Ready or not, I want to trill a song, sprout green wings, lumber through forest, and fly, fly fly!


Unwind Unbind
Very earthbound here lately and bingeing on The Sopranos. It has helped me see—we all live (with varying degrees of awareness) in our little worlds. Each reality, whether it be mafia, art, military, religious, business, yoga, environmental, academic, or other—has its own rules, beliefs, ideas of success. Illusory aspects of our realms are not easy to spot unless they belong to others' systems. (An overly obvious example is the crumbling codes and concepts of Trump-mind and Trumpism.) So thanks, Sopranos. (brilliant television IMHO)

Unwind Unbind
Lola sleeps a lot, even for a cat. She has cancer. She is being showered with huge amounts of love, attention, food, and neck scratches and then even more love.
May all creatures feel the magic, be well, and transition peacefully.

Unwind Unbind
Have been chewing on a trauma relating to a lifetimes ago failed friendship. Miles of mind tapes and tangled heart strings unwind. These words:

In trying to create a sense of comfort and relief from her own suffering this person made others responsible. —paraphrased words from a student of Adyashanti
Thinking most of us have been guilty of such illusion/mistakes at one time or another. And this person's comfort and relief, played out in particularly hateful, hurtful ways. 

"When our wounds cease to be a source of shame...we become....healers"
"...how do we hide our wounds?" 
"How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?" 
Seeing/feeling how shame is related to abuse—is a small awakening. Gratitude.

Unwind Unbind
Had to leave Mysore yoga class after only a few standing poses this morning. Back was hurting bad. Felt I needed to only do backbends. Came home. Did a bunch (of dhanurasanas). Unwound. Feel fine. Go figure. Must be the new moon.

new moon new
green heart-wings
every minute
rebirth renewal
and always metta

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