pedestal to petal pink
yoga streets to city mats
mind pose to heart dance
all mud all muscle
all petal
It feels like everything in my he(art) is coming together. We are almost ready to put the 360 Project - bottles out all over the world and the web site has been tweaked all the way from mud to lotus and back! This Quiet art project is about to hit the streets and the peeps!
The entire process begun about a year ago, vibrates in the present. It germinated slowly and quietly, and folding those maps of Kathmandu, Ferguson, and Charleston into tiny cranes released a lot of good energy in all directions. And the seeds! Pure magic—from mustard seed to global "seed," I am in awe of them all.

And within this beautiful circle of earth and mud—lotus and bud, I will leave soon to visit my brother. I will struggle with sun salutations with a (still) injured back. I will get angry, cry, and laugh.
I am humbled by the fullness.
And this too is yoga (and art)!
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