
The other day I was stretching out before running at a nearby lake. (Lately, I often alternate a long Ashtanga practice with a short one and a run.) A man came up to me and said something about how flexible I was and then that he had a pulled groin muscle and was getting old. He asked me what he should do about the groin muscle. I didn't know what to say, but felt our shared confusion about aging and replied, "Growing older is uncharted territory for all of us."  


Not sure about "all' of us, but that makes two.

Then there's this link people have been passing around about yogis in their 90's. I wonder what these women and Mr. Iyengar (the only male in the group) have to say about how their practice has changed over the years. 

Tried something new for my back—a chiropractor. Have had some bad experiences with these people in the past, but this guy came highly recommended. "He's a healer," said the acupuncturist who worked on my back. He might be. After several clunks in my spine and pelvis, I feel great. Will see how it goes after led First Series tomorrow. 

Below is a quote from Keno MacGregor from 12/02/10. She pretty much nails my ego this past 6 months.

"If find yourself faced with a debilitating injury one of the hardest things to face is your own ego. The egoic mind hates to feel like it is slipping from the front of the pack and will cringe and twist when you lighten your load to go easy on your body. Just let the ego bleed itself to death. This ample serving of humble pie will be just what you need to be free from that little whiny voice in your head that thinks your value is tied to your achievements. And this is the best type of pain to accept on the road to purification. If you find yourself caught in the quagmire of injury try to accept where you are and unroll your mat every day as a commitment to the devotional path of yoga while learning new techniques that keep your body healthy. As someone who has personally gone through a complete litany of painful injuries that have forced me to modify my practice for a period of time on the road to better alignment I really empathize with your egos pain. There is nothing fun about suddenly not being able to do what you could once do every day with ease and grace. It feels like a slap in the face and all sorts of nasty emotions arise. Everything including jealousy, anger, anxiety, depression and much more all arrive and try to knock the stuffing out of your yoga practice. But the only way out of the illusion of the ego is go straight through it. If you face a battle of ego when you modify your practice to be pain-free in your joints you can rest assured that you are absolutely doing the deep work of the spiritual path of yoga."

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