I particularly related to the fiery ball in the lower back of this altered captured image.
Was compelled to add an orchid (shot at Asheville Orchid Show) on that hot spot.
It neutralizes my attitude toward this pain.
My chiropractor used the words "back sprain."
This time it started out as a localized pin prick pain in the sacroiliac joint. The chiropractor adjusted it, and I felt somewhat better. The next morning when doing pincha mayurasana my leg went up at a slight angle.
That did it.
It's now been two weeks—and two weeks since full moon, a dangerous time for some of us. As the pain spread throughout my lower back, sitting was agonizing and when moving from certain positions, the pain took my breath away.
Armed with ibuprofen, I went to Charlottesville, for some classes with John and Naomi and for a 1/2 first series led class with Sharath and Saraswati. (Fun and it's amazing what one can do in the presence of some people!)
Yogically immobilized since, I have done nothing more than a few sun salutations and stretches. The words crossing a threshold "that's fiendishly hard to recover from," (see below) are echoing in my brain, but I also know that fretting about losing flexibility, poses, injuries and whatever else—is futile.
Anyway, each day it feels better.
I've been running 3 miles daily, It feels great to do a pain-free movement and enjoy the gifts of warm sunshine, fresh air, and baby deep-sleep. The article about overuse injuries cited below has also taken some of the mystery out of this almost two year long series of related injuries. It's also helped with accepting rather than fighting this injury.
The big unknown is how the 5 days of classes with Sharath and Saraswati in Encinitas next week will go.
No idea!! I can know only the truth of each moment - and on that awareness I will trust and rely.
Wish me luck.
Here's some quotes from article about overuse yoga injuries by Nina Jackson that are congruent with my experience:
Overuse injuries are more subtle in nature—the result of micro-trauma to the tendons, bones and joints that occurred over periods of time.
It's the gradual, cumulative effect of many small actions—the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Overuse injuries are “creeping” ones because of their habit of sneaking up on you unawares.
Before you know it, you’ve lost that fine balance and crossed a threshold that’s fiendishly hard to recover from.