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This blog was expanded and appeared in +elephant Journal
However, my Ashtanga practice these days might be considered "unauthorized" for other reasons as well.
I do home practice five times a week and led primary once a week, my usual Mysore teachers having departed for a more Ashtanga friendly city. Originally, adaptations and omissions were necessary because I could not do forward bends without a lot of pain (QL problem, see below). Backbends on the other hand, felt good even if I couldn't do them right. I am referring to my stoppers, standing from urdhva dhanurasana and not collapsing in laghu vajrasana. Note: intermediate poses up to kapotasana were given to me and/or ok'd by various teachers, some well known and/or certified or authorized before back issues began.
The adapted practice includes standing poses, part of primary including the difficult ones (for me)—navasana, bhujapidasana and 2nd series up to kapotasana, a pose I had abandoned early in the injury phase. Bakasana and pincha mayurasana were added on my own. I also add hip stretching on days when back is stressed so as not to "lose" kormasana and supta kormasana.
I confess that without a teacher, my practice—right or wrong—has become more inner directed, and I value the attendant awareness most of the time. There are many times when I yield to being a slug (wonder what "slug" is in sanskrit....) and feel defeated by the backbend rule and the little thunderbolt, neither of which seem to have "improved" in over a year.
Backbends still make my back feel great though, and I am often filled with gratitude for the practice, compassion for my back...and my age. Believe when at last I have moved through the pain, I will have greater strength, renewed flexibility, an uninterrupted practice, and will have genuinely enjoyed—for a time—an adapted sequence.
I confess finally that I'll be grateful too when a teacher appears to direct my practice in the way s/he deems appropriate.
See link below: a young yogi's back improves/heals with 2nd series backbends, etc.